SFM1 Heat Ratio Method Sap Flow Meter Case Studies

Measuring how Kauri trees share water

Findings : When two trees of the same species are close to one another, they are . . . Read More

Using R to import and analyse SFM1x Sap Flow Meter data

Findings : Widely used by the research community, R is a common tool used in many . . . Read More

SFM for Irrigation water management for vines

Findings : Irrigation can be reduced by 50% of the current irrigation application . . . Read More

Measuring Sap flow in the Worlds Tallest Trees with the Heat Ratio Method

Findings : The heat ratio method for sap flow measurement was used to measure the . . . Read More

Plant Water Use and Plant Water Stress of Coffee

Findings : Understanding the physiology of the coffee plant, the water requiremen . . . Read More