Training and workshop sessions
ICT International provide training and workshop sessions for products in their range, either in person or via online sessions.
These can be provided for many instruments that ICT International supply. Topics that can be covered include:
- Installation techniques
- Measurement theory
- Effective use of the instrument
- Deployment strategies
- Communications
- Data analysis
- Practical installation tips and tricks
- Calibration
- Maintenance
For customers, this provides an opportunity to work with the ICT International staff team to develop new skills, improve their familiarity with the instrument, and share experiences in the use of the instrumentation.
Training sessions for users are customised to the needs of the customer, this can include induction of new users to ICT International instruments and methodologies so that the data is high quality and reliable, as well as minimising risk of damage to equipment.
Previous workshops have been delivered on the following products and themes:
- ICT International Products:
- IoT Monitoring Solutions for the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum
- Irrigating Vines only when they need it! Harnessing the power of Plant Water Potential & Sap Flow Data
- Measuring water use in large and small trees: stem psychrometers and sap flow data
- International expert workshop on plant monitoring & wireless sensor networks
- Non Destructive Continuous Plant Water Potential Stem Psychrometry Workshop
- Walz products
- Webinar on Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Research
- Rinntech
- Tree Safety Assessment
- Amphasys Pollen Analysis using Impedance Flow Cytometry
- Apogee Instruments – light sensors and spectrometers
For more information on planning and organising a training or workshop, please contact ICT International.
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