ICT International

Advancing soil, plant and environmental decision making

SMT100 Soil Moisture and Soil Temperature Probe

The SMT100 soil moisture probe uses a Time Domain Transmission (TDT) technology. The SMT100 determines the volumetric water content and the soil temperature. It has a broad measurement range, it is maintenance free and frost resistant. With a robust design & manufacture and low power use, it is typically used for long-term observations (8+ years continuous use) and is well suited to IoT (Internet of Things) applications.

The SMT100 combines the advantages of the low-cost capacitance soil moisture sensor system with the accuracy of a TDR (time domain reflectometry) system. Like a TDR, it measures the travel time of a signal to determine the relative permittivity εr of the soil, and like a capacitance sensor, it converts εr into an easy to measure frequency. The SMT100 utilises a ring oscillator to transform the signal’s travel time into a frequency.