The MINI-PAM-II Porometer is a new leaf-clip for the MINI-PAM-II for combined measurements of stomatal conductance and chlorophyll a fluorescence. It measures water evaporation and stomatal conductance of plant leaves and needles to determine stomatal function, which is strongly influenced by stress factors acting on the plant.
This new device is a powerful tool for rapid screenings, high-throughput stress evaluations, or detailed plant analysis with well-established protocols like induction-curves or light-curves. Being lightweight and compact, the device is ideally suited for research from the field to the laboratories. With the built in GPS, accelerometer, gyroscope, and magneto scope sensor the porometer adds geospatial information including angle of incidence of sun radiation and the leaf angle.
- Numerous sensors: humidity sensors, leaf-temperature sensor, pressure sensors, flow sensors, PAR-sensor, GPS receiver, accelerometer, gyroscope, magneto scope, ambient CO2-sensor
- Very silent pump
- Pressure of closing mechanism is adjustable
- Dark shield for easy determination FV/FM and measurements with controlled actinic light intensities
The porometer delivers its data every second. The typical length of a measurement will vary depending on conditions such as flow rate and sample. At a standard flow rate of 100 µmol s-1 and an expected stomatal conductance of 100 mmol m-2 s-1 the average measurement duration is less than 15 seconds. The included automatic stability determination is particularly useful for single field measurements. Simply press the button, wait for the data to meet the stability criteria, and the measurement is automatically executed. An acoustic signal can be included, if desired.
Full technical details can be found on the Walz website.
Design: leaf chamber with a circular 1 cm diameter sample area. Ventilated on one side by air with adjustable flow rate. The amount of water vapor released to the air flow is determined with high precision humidity sensors. The leaf temperature is measured by an IR sensor located in the chamber bottom. GPS information is tracked by a built-in GPS receiver. A mini quantum sensor is positioned on the sample plane. Ambient CO2 values are monitored by a CO2 sensor facing the outside, at the lower left side of the porometer. For chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements, a fiberoptics port aligns the MINI-PAM/F Fiberoptics at an angle of 60° relative to the measuring plane. Including tripod-mount.
Power supply: MINI-PAM-II leaf clip socket; The MINI-PAM-II: the 6 AA (Mignon) rechargeable batteries (Eneloop 1.2 V/2 Ah) provide power for more than 6 hours for typical experiments. The porometer alone can be operated for more than 9 hours at maximum flow. Easy battery swap possible.
Sample area: 1 cm diameter
Flow rates: 40; 60; 80; 100; 120; 140; 160; 180 or 200 µmol s-1
RH sensor accuracy: typ. 20-70 %RH ±1.0 %RH; <20 %RH and >70 %RH ±1.5 %RH; ΔT = ±0.1 °C
Pressure sensor accuracy: ± 0.1 kPa, noise 0.2 Pa
Leaf temp. sensor accuracy: ± 0.3 °C, emissivity adjustable 0.1-1.0
Ambient CO2 sensor accuracy: ± (30 ppm, + 3 % of reading)
Flowmeter accuracy: ± (1.5 % RD + 0.15 % FS)
GPS receiver accuracy: 2.0 m CEP (circular error probable)
Micro quantum sensor: LS-C sensor for selective PAR measurement, range 0 to 7000 µmol m-2 s-1, cosine corrected for light incident at an angle between -30° to +30° from surface normal, internal preamplifier
Parameter: gs mmol m-2 s-1; gt mmol m-2 s-1; gb mmol m-2 s-1; H2Oin mmol mol-1; dH2O mmol mol-1; H2Oout mmol mol-1; chamber pressure kPa, Temp (leaf) °C; Flow in/out µmol s-1; VPD Pa/kPa; E mmol m-2 s-1; PAR µmol m-2 s-1; GPS-location; GPS-orientation; sun-inclination
Operating conditions: -5 to +45 °C; 0-90 %RH (non-condensing); 30-110 kPa
Cable length: 75 cm
Dimensions: 24 cm x 7.5 cm x 14 cm (max L x W x H)
Weight: 450 g (excluding cable)
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