ICT International

Advancing soil, plant and environmental decision making

User manuals and software for the SFM1x Sap Flow Meter

Software and Manuals for the SFM1x Sap Flow Meter (IoT/NB-IoT/UB versions)
Technical Specifications
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References for SFM1x, SFM1 and HRM30
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Combined Instrument Software (CIS) Installation Instructions

Combined Instrument Software (CIS) requires additional Microsoft software installed.

CIS and Instrument Installation Instruction:

  1. Ensure the SFM1x is not connected to the computer.
  2. Download and install (For Windows 10 AMD/Intel) both of the “Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages” from the Microsoft Website. Direct links can be found below
    Link Notes
    https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x86.exe Permalink for latest supported x86 version
    https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe Permalink for latest supported x64 version. The X64 Redistributable package contains both ARM64 and X64 binaries. This package makes it easy to install required Visual C++ ARM64 binaries when the X64 Redistributable is installed on an ARM64 device.
  3. Install the ICT Combined Instrument Software:
    1. Select “No” to warning about completely removing existing installations and all of its components.
    2. Select “Next”
    3. Change the install location from “\ICT International\ICT Instrument\” to “\ICT International\ICT Instrument\
    4. Select “Install”
    5. Untick “Run ICT Instrument” to prevent opening the application whilst changing the shortcut name (see below)
    6. Select “Finish”
  4. On the Desktop of your PC, change the file name of “ICT Instrument” to “ICT CIS”
  5. Open this shortcut, and confirm on the left of the software that it displays “”

Sap Flow Tool v1.5.1 for Windows can be downloaded here