ICT International

Manuals and downloads for the Heat Deformation Sap Flux Meter (HFD)

HFD8 Sap Flow Needles Installed
Downloads Available
References for HFD
Balugani, E. (2021). Partitioning of subsurface evaporation in water limited environments [University of Twente]. https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789036552127
Balugani, E., Lubczynski, M. W., Reyes-Acosta, L., van der Tol, C., Frances, A. P., & Metselaar, K. (2017). Groundwater and unsaturated zone evaporation and transpiration in a semi-arid open woodland. Journal of Hydrology, 547, 54–66.
Dattola, A., Vonella, V., Olivadese, T., Pullia, F. M., Zappia, R., & Gullo, G. (2023). The Evaluation of the Water Consumption and the Productive Parameters of a Table Grapevine, Cardinal Cultivar, Grafted onto Two Rootstocks. Agriculture, 13(11), 2101. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13112101
David, T. S., David, J. S., Pinto, C. A., Cermak, J., Nadezhdin, V., & Nadezhdina, N. (2012). Hydraulic connectivity from roots to branches depicted through sap flow: analysis on a Quercus suber tree. Functional Plant Biology, 39(2), 103–115. https://doi.org/10.1071/FP11185
Eliades, M., Bruggeman, A., Lubczynski, M. W., Christou, A., Camera, C., & Djuma, H. (2018). The water balance components of Mediterranean pine trees on a steep mountain slope during two hydrologically contrasting years. Journal of Hydrology, 562, 712–724. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.05.048
Eliades, M., Bruggeman, A., Djuma, H., & Lubczynski, M. W. (2018). Tree Water Dynamics in a Semi-Arid, Pinus brutia Forest. Water, 10(8), 1039. https://doi.org/10.3390/w10081039
Fan, J., Guyot, A., Ostergaard, K. T., & Lockington, D. A. (2018). Effects of earlywood and latewood on sap flux density-based transpiration estimates in conifers. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 249, 264–274. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.11.006
Guyot, A., Ostergaard, K. T., Fan, J., Santini, N. S., & Lockington, D. A. (2015). Xylem hydraulic properties in subtropical coniferous trees influence radial patterns of sap flow: implications for whole tree transpiration estimates using sap flow sensors. Trees, 29(4), 961–972. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00468-014-1144-5
Korakaki, E., Avramidou, E. V., Solomou, A. D., Boutsios, S., & Daskalakou, E. N. (2024). Sap Flow Responses of the Endangered Species Juniperus drupacea Labill. to Environmental Variables in Parnon Mountain, Greece. Forests, 15(3), 431. https://doi.org/10.3390/f15030431
Link, R. M., Fuchs, S., Arias Aguilar, D., Leuschner, C., Castillo Ugalde, M., Valverde Otarola, J. C., & Schuldt, B. (2020). Tree height predicts the shape of radial sap flow profiles of Costa-Rican tropical dry forest tree species. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 287, 107913. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.107913
Nadezhdina, N., Vandegehuchte, M. W., & Steppe, K. (2012). Sap flux density measurements based on the heat field deformation method. Trees, 26(5), 1439–1448. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00468-012-0718-3
Van de Wal, B. A. E., Guyot, A., Lovelock, C. E., Lockington, D. A., & Steppe, K. (2015). Influence of temporospatial variation in sap flux density on estimates of whole-tree water use in Avicennia marina. Trees, 29(1), 215–222. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00468-014-1105-z
HFD CIS and Sap Flow Tool Software

Combined Instrument Software (CIS) requires additional Microsoft software installed, as well as driver for the USB Comm Port.


CIS and Instrument Installation Instruction:

  1. Ensure the SFM1 is not connected to the computer.
  2. Install the “CDM v2.12.28 WHQL: Certified” Virtual Com Port Driver found here: https://ftdichip.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/CDM212364_Setup.zip
  3. Download and install (For Windows 10 AMD/Intel) the “Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package. This is available from the Microsoft download page: https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/download/details.aspx?id=26999
  4. Download and Install both the vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe packages from the pop up screen.
  5. Install the ICT Combined Instrument Software:
    1. Select “No” to warning about completely removing existing installations and all of its components.
    2. Select “Next”
    3. Change the install location from “\ICT International\ICT Instrument\” to “\ICT International\ICT Instrument\
    4. Select “Install”
    5. Untick “Run ICT Instrument” to prevent opening the application whilst changing the shortcut name (see below)
    6. Select “Finish”
  6. On the Desktop of your PC, change the file name of “ICT Instrument” to “ICT CIS”
  7. Open this shortcut, and confirm on the left of the software that it displays “”


SFT Sap Flow Tool Software Download:


Please download the Sap Flow Tool Software following this link – please note, purchase of license and physical dongle are required
