ICT International

Designing Sap Flow Measurement Projects

Sap flow (and the subsequent plant water use) measurement projects require careful planning and design, including:

  • determining the number of sap flow sensors needed
  • positioning of the sensors for sap flow measurement
  • positioning of the sap flow sensors for communication
  • the power supply solution.

Addressing this will optimise sap flow and plant water use measurement projects.

Determining how many sap flow meters are needed

Sap flow to measure plant or tree water use is a powerful tool. Combined with other simultaneous measurements, the resulting data can be foundational in the understanding of responses to climate change, new irrigation strategies, species selection for specific criteria, or measurement of water use for a catchment or forest. These objectives will determine the requirements when considered along with basic scientific rigour and statistical replication.

Planning stage

Trees are not homogeneous around their circumference, rather there will be differences in the position of the heartwood and sapwood relative to the proximity of other trees and to the available soil resources (moisture, nutrients etc). Through pre-research planning, the sapwood area is best identified using the HFD8-50 or -100, or a sap wood corer. The HFD8-50 or -100 allow measurements up to 100 mm into the trunk, and at 8 measurement points within that range. Installed at the cardinal points on the tree (north, south, east, and west) at the planning stage over a period of at least one week, the diurnal dynamics can be analysed. Furthermore, the use of the HFD8-50 or -100 will allow for the identification of thermsistor placement and needle lengths if a SFM1x Sap Flow Sensor is used.

From the the planning exercise, determination of the diminishing return on the level of accuracy for 4, 3, 2, or 1 measurements per tree can be concluded, prior to an application of scientific benefit cost analysis to this level of accuracy per number of measurements per tree, versus the cost of the instruments. For example if the research requires an accuracy of greater than 5% of absolute water use of the tree, this may require at least 4 measurement points per tree, or it may only be a scoping study that needs to be indicative and an accuracy threshold of 50% might be adequate to provide such a feel for the situation, thus 1 instrument would be sufficient. The planning stage will determine this requirement through a little bit of extra work for one week at the front end of experimental design rather than regrets at the back end, when trying to publish.

Determining the need for custom sap flow needle lengths

Using the HFD8-50 or HFD8-100, non-destructive determination of the sap wood area can be undertaken. The use of the longer needles with the multiple measurement points allow the determination of the sap wood area, as well as the specific activity within the sap wood. Once this has been concluded, any specific requirements for needles can be identified and subsequently, ICT International will work to build needles to the meet the required dimensions.

As the sapwood area can vary around the tree circumference, the selection of the correct point(s) for measurements will have been identified in the planning stage.