ISO9001 Certification - ICT International - FS 737766

Our ISO 9001 Quality Policy

We recognised the need to innovate to produce new scientific instruments needed by scientists to better understand how plants respond to the environment

ICT International’s focus is to use the research outcomes of the scientific community to develop opportunities for the measurement and monitoring of plant, soil, and environmental parameters for the benefit of the wider community.

This will be achieved through:

  • Using scientific knowledge and the best technologies to enable customers to achieve superior measurement and monitoring outcomes for management, research, and teaching applications
  • Collaboration with customers, developing opportunities and solutions to contribute positively to solving global environmental issues
  • Regular communication with relevant interested parties to understand, educate, and satisfy their needs and expectations
  • Continuous innovation of products and services to provide solutions developed through a robust technical readiness level process
  • Commitment to the highest standards of quality to create reliable, robust and dependable products and services.
  • Applying, maintaining, and continuously improving the Quality Management System.

Dr. Peter Cull
Managing and Marketing Director
Date: 2 April 2024
Version: 3