All Case Studies

Using soil moisture profiles to manage irrigation for maize

Findings : The importance of understanding the soil characteristics of individual . . . Read More

Measuring how Kauri trees share water

Findings : When two trees of the same species are close to one another, they are . . . Read More

Using IoT to manage parkland irrigation

Findings : Soil moisture sensors at multiple depths are needed to effectively man . . . Read More

Lysimeters: simple definition but complex in application

Findings : A simple definition of Lysimeter (noun) from google search is: an appa . . . Read More

Continuous Plant Water Potential Data

Findings : The continuous measurement of plant water potential is possible with t . . . Read More

Measuring Sap Flow: TDP compared to the Heat Ratio Method

Findings : The Heat Ratio Method (HRM) provides many benefits over the Thermal Di . . . Read More

Urban Risk Monitoring Enabled by IoT

Findings : Environmental risk factors can be managed with early detection of incr . . . Read More

Forest Monitoring Technologies

Findings : IoT enabled sensors that measure ecosystem behaviour of both commercia . . . Read More

IoT System for Real Time Nitrate Runoff Monitoring

Findings : The reduction of nutrient leaching and sediment run-off is of high imp . . . Read More

Real time IoT monitoring for aquaculture

Findings : Temperature, rainfall, and catchment runoff all impact aquaculture ope . . . Read More

IoT Enabled Urban Catchment Water Quality Monitoring Project

Findings : The South Creek corridor in Western Sydney is central to the future su . . . Read More

SFM for Irrigation water management for vines

Findings : Irrigation can be reduced by 50% of the current irrigation application . . . Read More